October 25, 2019
How do I open the can?
Packaging Services Company uses a child resistant cap coupled with an inner metal seal to minimize the chances of a leak. The child resistant cap can be opened using pliers, if necessary, or by a sharp blow to the cap to loosen it slightly. The metal inner seal can be removed by carefully prying it away from the can with a small flat head screwdriver.
What is the best way to apply a stripper?
Wear appropriate gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Work on a small area at a time in a well ventilated area. Use a brush to apply a generous amount of stripper in a single brush stroke, if possible. Apply as thick a coat as possible without the remover running down the surface. Give the product about 10-15 minutes to work before disturbing it in any way. Surfaces with multiple coats of paint may require several treatments to remove all the paint.
How do I clean a metal surface prior to painting?
Crown Acetone is a good choice to remove residual oils and prepare a metal surface for painting. Acetone is flammable, so use according to the directions. In California, our Low VOC Pro Clean Up will work nicely for this application. Use a lint free rag to wipe down the surface with a light coating of the solvent. Store the rags in a metal can in a well ventilated area away for sources of ignition, because they will be flammable.
Why didn’t my paint remover work?
Paint remover takes time to do its job. Application should involve a thick coat of remover applied in one stroke in a single direction. You can check to see if the remover is working after five minutes. Let the remover set 10-15 minutes undisturbed, or as directed by the label. Many people attempt to work the stripper into the surface by moving it around with a paint brush. This does nothing but cause the solvents in the stripper to evaporate faster. Semi-paste formulas generally do a better job at removing stubborn coatings or on vertical surfaces.
Some coatings are very chemical resistant and require that the surface be abraded with course sandpaper to allow the remover to penetrate the surface. Old chalky finishes or paint cracking and in poor condition sometimes require some sanding for the remover to work properly. Cover the surface with a plastic drop cloth to allow the remover to work longer, if necessary. Multiple applications may be necessary with thick coatings of paint. Use a plastic scraper or brush to remove the stripper from the surface. Always work in a well ventilated area with proper personal protective equipment. Use a lead test kit to assure that the paint is lead free before sanding any painted surface.
What paint remover is suggested for indoor use?
The Crown STRP line of paint removers was designed for Do-It-Yourself projects. Crown STRP products are a good choice for use indoors in a well ventilated area. Be sure to read the directions before using any product.
What is the difference between Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil? What is it used for?
Boiled Linseed Oil is used to treat wood. It is different than many other finishes in that it actually soaks into the wood’s pores. The result is a shiny, but not glossy surface that highlights the grain of the treated wood. It provides protection against water stains and provides resistance to dents. Boiled Linseed Oil has been treated in such a way that it will dry in about 24 hours under typical conditions, if applied in a thin coat as outlined in the directions. Raw Linseed Oil will take about 3-4 days to dry under typical conditions. Neither should be used in food contact applications.
What is the best way to apply Boiled Linseed Oil? Is it dangerous to leave Linseed Oil Soaked rags in a pile?
Always test a small, inconspicuous section of the surface to be treated first. Apply a thin coat of the Boiled Linseed Oil and allow it to dry. The product is self leveling, though it may take up to a day or two to completely cure between coats. The process can be sped up by adding a small amount of turpentine or odorless mineral spirits to the Boiled Linseed Oil. If the surface is sticky after application then rub the surface with Odorless Mineral Spirits.
Be careful with rags saturated with Linseed Oil because the curing process produces heat. If rags soaked with Linseed Oil are left in a pile, then there is a risk that they will smolder and burst into flame. Rags containing Linseed Oil should be handled according to the directions on the label of the container after use (preferably washed immediately or left in a container of water).
What is the shelf life of solvents?
The typical shelf life is 2 years unopened and 6 months after opening.
What is the difference between Low Odor and Regular Mineral Spirits?
Low Odor Mineral Spirits have very little aromatic content and therefore, lower odor overall. Both products are hydrocarbon based and combustible. The solvency of Low Odor Mineral spirits is slightly lower than Regular Mineral Spirits. Both products should be used in a well ventilated area.
What products can be used to clean brushes used with Latex paint?
Our Crown SAFER Brush Cleaner or Crown SAFER Paint Thinner works well to clean brushes used with Latex Paint, but you should rinse natural brushes with soap and water afterwards to avoid flaring of the bristles. For any remaining residue, our Crown brush cleaner or Low VOC Pro Clean Up is recommended for latex brush and application tool clean-up.
What product should I use to thin acrylic resins?
Crown Premium Lacquer thinner does a nice job of thinning acrylic paints.
How do I clean fiberglass surfaces?
This is tricky situation because the composition of fiberglass may change from one manufacturer to another. We recommend Acetone, MEK or diluted Muriatic Acid to clean fiberglass. However, we strongly suggest that you test a small, inconspicuous area with the cleaner of choice before beginning your project. Any solvent will etch, weaken or dissolve fiberglass if left on the surface very long. Never mix these cleaning agents and work in a well ventilated area. Follow all label directions.
Can I use Muriatic Acid for indoor applications (such as etching the concrete of a basement floor)?
Use of Muriatic Acid requires a well ventilated area. The acid is very corrosive and will damage many surfaces. It is not recommended for indoor use.
Muriatic Acid should not be used as a drain cleaner. It can damage drain systems and generate corrosive fumes.
How do I clean excess mortar from a brick surface?
Dilute Crown Muriatic Acid or Crown Muriatic Acid NEXT according to the directions and apply with a soft bristle plastic or rubber handled brush. Follow the directions on the label for safe use in a well ventilated area.
Does Crown SAFER Lacquer Thinner meet current VOC requirements in California?
Yes, Crown SAFER Lacquer Thinner meets the current South Coast and CARB requirements for low VOC products. In fact, Crown offers a number of VOC compliant products including; Lacquer Thinner, Brush Cleaner, Pro Thinner, Pro Clean-up and Pro Flush.